We took the kids to Acadian Village. Acadian Village has tons of Christmas lights and
amusement rides. Ean and Ellis loved all of the rides! They loved loved loved the train..... both of them must have rode it 6 times!
While waiting in line I checked E's blood figured he was excited so he might drop soon. I brake out all of the the equipment to check him, in line while waiting for the train. Looking to my left two little girls were staring at me. Quickly I look at the parents and say he has Type 1 Diabetes ....... and continue to check him. I take for granted that other kids and family know and understand everything about Type 1. Wishing I had time to explain in detail to the two kids what was going on..........the line moves forward.
As the line moved...... E's BG number is low in the 70's. I quickly give him a juice ( which he downs oh so fast) The two kids that where watching quickly lose interest and life goes on.